Does Weightlifting Help Women Lose Weight?

James Kelle
8 min readNov 24, 2021


If you’re trying to lose weight, you may be wondering what form of training will help you drop the most weight, and you may have looked into women’s weightlifting.

This article discusses whether weightlifting can help women lose weight, as well as other useful information.

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Do weights lifting make you bulky?

Due to the belief that lifting weights makes you big, weightlifting, also known as resistance training, was once only reserved for bodybuilders.

While weightlifting might help you gain muscle, it can also make you bulky. Lifting heavy weights and eating more calories than you expend is required to gain significant muscle mass, and even then, it can take months or years.

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Furthermore, anabolic — muscle-building — hormones like testosterone and growth hormone are often lower in women, making it more difficult for them to increase muscle mass.

Genetics, food, and body type, as well as exercise load, volume, and intensity, all influence how quickly and how much muscle you can gain.
If you’re concerned that lifting weights would cause you to gain weight quickly, don’t be.


Due to low amounts of anabolic hormones like testosterone, which are required for muscle synthesis, most women find it difficult to gain significant muscle mass. As a result, you don’t have to be concerned about looking bulky as a result of lifting weights.

Does weight lifting help you lose weight?

You must be in a calorie deficit to lose weight and burn fat, which can be accomplished in three ways:

  1. consuming fewer calories each day than you require

2. Exercising burns more calories than you ingest.

3. a combination of reduced calorie consumption and increased physical activity

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Lifting weights is a good way to burn calories, but it’s not the most efficient way. Running, cycling, and swimming are examples of cardiorespiratory training, which burns more calories each workout session than weight training.

Weightlifting, on the other hand, can help with weight loss by increasing muscle mass. Simply explained, muscles are metabolically efficient and help you lose weight by burning more calories even when you’re not working out.

As a result, it’s usually preferable to incorporate both weight training and cardio into your workout routine.

According to research, weight training increases your metabolic rate, which means you’re still burning calories hours after your workout is over. In fact, studies have shown that following an exercise, your metabolic rate can be raised for up to 72 hours.

You don’t lose pure fat when you lose weight; instead, you lose fat mass, glycogen storage, and muscle. Weight training helps you maintain muscle mass while losing weight, which helps you lose more fat and keep your metabolism from shifting too much.

Weight training will help you lose fat, but depending on your starting weight and goals, you may not notice a significant reduction in the number on the scale. This is due to the fact that muscle is denser than fat, taking up less room on your body pound for pound.

As a result, you may shed inches from your waistline while seeing no change on the scale as you lose fat and increase muscle.
Overall, incorporating weight training into your workout program, together with cardio exercise and a nutritious diet, is an excellent strategy to aid weight loss.


Weight training can help you lose weight by burning calories during and after exercises while also maintaining muscle mass to keep your metabolism from slowing down.

Other benefits of Weight Lifting

In addition to weight loss, weight training has various other advantages.

You’ll leaner than before

Muscle is denser than fat, thus it takes up less physical space. As a result, as you gain muscle mass and lose fat, you will appear leaner and smaller.

Furthermore, having larger and stronger muscles will help define your figure.

You can’t tone your muscles, contrary to popular perception, although building muscles and decreasing fat can help you look stronger and leaner.

You’ll be stronger than before

You will become stronger as a result of weight exercise.

Gaining strength makes everyday tasks easier, such as carrying groceries and playing with your children. Furthermore, because you’re better able to support your body, you’re less likely to fall or get an injury.

Weightlifting is also important for bone development since it places temporary stress on your bones, signaling your body to rebuild them stronger. This can help you avoid osteoporosis and fractures as you get older.

No risk of chronic disease if You do Weight Lifting

Weight training can help you avoid chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and age-related problems like sarcopenia, which is the loss of muscle mass and strength that occurs as you get older.

Including weight training and cardio in your workout plan may help you achieve even better results. Both types of exercise provide numerous health benefits, including increased lung capacity, metabolism, blood flow, and muscular mass.


Stronger muscles and bones, a lower chance of chronic diseases including type 2 diabetes and heart disease, and a leaner appearance are all advantages of weight training.

How to start weight lifting

Before beginning a new workout routine, check with your doctor to ensure that the plan is safe and appropriate for you. Once you’ve received permission to exercise, there are a variety of simple methods to include it into your daily routine.

The majority of specialists advocate 3–5 weight training sessions each week, as well as cardio and rest days. The number of sessions you need depends on a variety of factors, including the amount of training you do, the intensity of your workouts, the number of recovery days you need, and your schedule.

In theory, you can weight train every day, but you should leave 48 hours for each muscle group to recover. If you work out your back and shoulders on Monday, for example, you should wait until Wednesday or Thursday to train them again.

Getting more exercise isn’t always a good thing. It’s more important to focus on the quality of your workouts than the quantity. You can still get benefits if you only have 2–3 training sessions per week; just focus on good form and make sure your workouts are challenging.

Here’s an example of a 1-week exercise routine:

  • Monday: upper-body workout (arms, shoulders, back)

Tuesday is a day of active recuperation, which includes exercise (walking, running, cycling, swimming)

  • Tuesday is a day of active recuperation, which includes exercise (walking, running, cycling, swimming)
  • Lower-body workout on Wednesday (glutes, quads, hamstrings)
  • Thursday: active recovery day, which includes cardio (walking, jogging, cycling, and swimming) as well as a core workout.
  • Friday is a day of optional training (lower body or upper body training)
  • Saturday: high-intensity interval training for the entire body (HIIT)
  • Rest day with light stretching or a short workout on Sunday (like yoga or Pilates)

If you can’t exercise as often as you’d like, you can combine workouts. Combine upper-body strength training with HIIT and lower-body strength training with a core workout, for example.

You may require extra recovery days depending on the intensity of your workouts. Consider adding some gentle stretching or yoga to your regimen if you’re feeling particularly sore after your workout.

While lying on the sofa may feel lovely when you’re in pain, try to get up and move around. This will give your muscles a chance to relax while also promoting blood flow and active recuperation.

Finally, the greatest method to stay safe and avoid damage is to listen to and respect your body, as well as to understand your boundaries.

Remember that the best sort of exercise is one that you can do for a long time. You’ll be more likely to stick to, enjoy, and achieve the results you want if you select an exercise regimen that matches your lifestyle and schedule.

If you need more support, consider hiring a personal trainer who can make tailored recommendations to help you achieve your specific goals.


Include 3–5 weight training sessions per week, as well as cardio and rest days, in your workout routine.


While weightlifting might help you lose weight, you should also pay attention to your nutrition. Weightlifting burns calories, but you’ll need to combine training with a healthy diet to see results.

Exercise often and eat somewhat fewer calories to achieve a calorie deficit. This has been proven to be an effective and long-term weight-loss approach in studies.
Furthermore, if you want to gain muscle and strength, you must provide your body with enough protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

To retain muscle during weight loss, most people should aim for 20–40 grams of protein per meal or roughly 0.6–0.9 grams per pound (1.4–2.0 grams per kg) of body weight per day, depending on their goals, body size, and other considerations.

In addition, to properly fuel your exercises and recovery, be sure to include meals rich in healthy fats and complex carbohydrates in your diet. These foods are likely to be high in beneficial nutrients and can help you feel fuller for extended periods of time.


Weightlifting along with a healthy diet will help you achieve your weight loss goals. Aim for 20–40 grams of protein per meal, or 0.6–0.9 grams per pound (1.4–2.0 grams per kilogram) of body weight per day, in addition to a diet high in complex carbohydrates and healthy fats.


Women of all ages can benefit from weightlifting, and it will not make you bulky. Rather, it can aid in the creation of a leaner, more powerful appearance.

It aids in the development of strength and muscle, as well as the prevention of chronic diseases and the promotion of weight loss.

Your weight loss attempts will be aided by an exercise routine that includes days of weight training targeting various muscle groups, as well as cardio and a nutritious, protein-rich diet.

While most experts recommend including 3–5 weight training sessions per week into your fitness routine, any weight training will be useful.



James Kelle

James Kelle is a health and fitness blogger passionate about helping people achieve optimal health through exercise, nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.