
James Kelle
3 min readDec 11, 2021


First Of all, Thank You very much! For Following My account on Instagram & For Reading this Article.

In this article, I had Shared My Weight Loss Journey.

I Also Shared a Link to Detail Video Presentation About this ‘simple Coffee Trick’ inside This Article.

If you’re serious about achieving permanent fat loss and a complete health transformation while eating your favorite foods every meal…

I invite you to read this Short Article.

First of all, let me introduce My Self My Name Is Juliana Matthews. I am a mother of a 5-year-old and a 3-year-old child.

On 6 June 2020, I saw on the news that one of the biggest risk factors for passing away from COVID-19 was obesity.

I was morbidly obese at that time. My weight was 265 pounds and I was also suffering from high Blood Pressure & diagnosed with prediabetes.

“I had the choice to either make myself healthy and be here for my kids or not. It was a real wake-up call — I didn’t want my kids to be without me, ”

So I Decided To Loss Weight…

I started working out… tracking calories… and jogging every day to burn my Fat.

But After Trying Different Workouts & Diet Tips For Almost 9 Months. I only lost a couple of pounds. ( i was Not happy With My Results )

I Got Frustrated & Gave up on Lossing Weight Because I was doing workouts daily for hours & Still Failed to Loss Weight.

Then Due To Stress & Anxiety I Went into Depression for a Short Period Of Time, Until I came to Know About This Simple Coffee Trick From One of My Friends.

I will share a Video About This Simple Coffee trick With You In a Minute

Keep Reading….

One Day My Friend named Laura Shared This below Picture on her Facebook Profile.

I was very curious To know How did she lose this much weight?.

I Immediately Messaged her and asked her Hey Laura, Which Diet & Workout You Are following to Loss Weight & How Much Weight Did you Lose?

See Told Me that, 3 Months Before, her Weight was 300 Pounds & she lost almost 137 pounds. ( Without Any Diet & Workout)

I was Shocked. I Told her “Laura please share with me exactly How you did it”?

Then She Shared with me a Video Presentation About This Simple Coffee Trick. You Can also watch This Video Presentation


After Watching This Video Presentation, I Started Using That Simple Coffee Trick. Which Completely Changed My Life.

I Started Seeing Results in the First Week. I Started losing Weight much faster than Before. After Using This For Just 7 Weeks.

I Lost Almost 103 Pounds.

This Was a Life-changing Moment For Me. I was having Tears in My Eyes. Now I was Finally Free From that Deadly obesity.

My Blood Pressure & Blood Sugar Was also Getting inControl.Now I feel more Energetic than before.

I Still Use This Simple Coffee Trick to Stay Fit While enjoying my Favourite Foods like ribeye steak, pizza, ice cream Etc.

Now I Can wear Beautiful dresses, literally I am EnjoyingMy Life now. My Friend If You Are Also Facing the Same Problem Like Me.

I Definitely Recommend trying this Simple Coffee trick.


Because this Deadly Obesity can literally, Destroy your Life.

Thanks For Reading about my Weight Loss Journey…..

I Wish You A Healthy Life



James Kelle

James Kelle is a health and fitness blogger passionate about helping people achieve optimal health through exercise, nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.