Revealed:- How this Simple Coffee Trick Helped me to Loss 103 LBS in just 3 Months?

James Kelle
4 min readNov 26, 2021



This Article is for Serious People Only….. Who are Serious to Lose Weight & Have at least 5 minutes to Read this …..

Would You Like To know Exactly how to lose weight without any Pills, diet& Exercise? Then You are at the right place

Here is my short Story, How I Fought This Weight Loss Battle & Won it by using a Simple Coffee Trick, this Literally Shocked Me & my Husband that People can Lose weight without using any Un-necessary Pills, diet& Exercise.

First of all, let me introduce My Self My Name Is Juliana Matthews. I am a mother of a 5-year-old and a 3-year-old child.

On 6 June 2020, I saw on the news that one of the biggest risk factors for passing away from COVID-19 was obesity.

I am, a mom with a 5-year-old and a 3-year-old, and I was morbidly obese at that time.

My weight was 265 pounds and I was also suffering from high Blood Pressure & diagnosed with prediabetes

“I had the choice to either make myself healthy and be here for my kids or not. It was a real wake-up call — I didn’t want my kids to be without me,”

So I started searching on Google How to lose weight? Then I found some YouTube videos with

Weight Loss Workouts Tips

I thought that this will help me to lose My Weight and Now my blood pressure & my Blood Sugar Will be in Control.

After Watching Those Videos, I started following those Workout tips. I Was Doing Workouts Daily For Hours & I Cut of My Diet to Half ( as shown in those Videos )

After following those weight loss tips for more than 2 weeks. I Started feeling More Hungry than before ( started eating 4 times a day), instead of Losing Weight my Body became Weak.

My blood Sugar Levels were increased because of eating too much.

I was unable to walk even 1 foot on the ground things Were Getting Worse Day By Day.

For almost 7 days I was on The Bed & Taking Medicines to Control Blood Sugar Levels & to Recover My Weakness.

On the 8th Day When I wake up in the Morning & suddenly fell on the floor when I was trying to Leave My bed.

My Husband Was in Kitchen at that time & he was trying to contact a good Doctor for me. He immediately Rushed Towards Me when he show me I got fainted & lying on the floor.

Then Immediately my husband Booked an Ambulance & took me to the Doctor.

After Diagnosed All the problems, the Doctor told me that, you Don’t have to eat less or do heavy Workouts to lose Weight this can Make your body weak & you can also face other health-related problems.

He also said me that losing Weight is a Simple Process but You People make it Complicated by Following Unnecessary diets, exercise & Weight Loss Pills.

Then he suggested me to Try this Simple Coffee Trick Which is Shown in this Video Presentation Here

He Also Told me that When You Use this In Morning With Your Coffee this puts your body into fat-burning mode for the rest of the day & it takes less than 10 seconds … to use it every day.

Till now, more than 87000 people Are Using this to lose Weight & They are getting Results Like Crazy.

I Thought How This Simple Thing Can Help People To Lose Weight?”.

I Decided to Give it a Try & this Changed my Life Forever.

After using This I Started Seeing Results in the first week. Now I was Feeling More Energetic than before.

I was Seeing That Every Inch of my Un-necessary Fat Was disappearing day by day. Now my Blood Pressure & Blood Sugar Levels were getting in control.

After Using it for Just 3 Months I Lost almost 103 LBS.

I & My Husband Was Literally Shocked by seeing my results.

Now my Body Really feels lightweight, I can Wear Beautiful Dresses, Now I Can Eat My favorite foods like ice cream, Cake, etc.

Now I Don’t Have Any Fear of having diabetes and other deadly diseases because my weight is now in control.

My Husband Also started using It Daily to Stay Fit & Healthy, We are very thankful to Our Doctor who Recommended this to us.

If You are also Facing this same Weight loss Problem & want to lose weight Safely I definitely recommend giving a try to this Simple Coffee Trick.

You Can Know in Detail About This Simple Coffee Trick in this Video Presentation ( for a Limited Time Only )

I wish You Will Get Healthy Soon!

Originally published at on November 26, 2021.



James Kelle

James Kelle is a health and fitness blogger passionate about helping people achieve optimal health through exercise, nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.